Youth Experiencing Homelessness

Instable Housing & Wellness

Instable housing profoundly impacts youth wellbeing by increasing stress and anxiety, which can hinder mental health and educational focus. The lack of stable housing disrupts their sense of security and stability, affecting relationships with peers and adults. This instability often leads to frequent school changes, negatively impacting academic performance and future prospects. Limited access to essential healthcare services further compounds their challenges, potentially leading to long-term health issues. The uncertainty of unstable housing also diminishes aspirations and motivation, creating barriers to achieving life goals. 

On this page you will find resources to learn more about how to best support youth and families dealing with housing instability, its impacts mental health and overall wellness, and locating resources and supports to help those impacted by housing instability

The Tallmadge City School District is committed to providing services to all resident families, including those that may be homeless. The district, in accordance with the McKinney-Vento Act, assures that all homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free and appropriate public education, including preschool age students, as children and youth who are not homeless. 

For more information visit the McKinney-Vento Homelessness Resources page on the Tallmadge City School's Webpage. 

How do families access homeless services through TCS?
Options include: