Tallmadge Student Assistance Program
SAP Framework
SAP is a fluid process with many variables in order to support learners. Tallmadge City Schools is committed to doing everything possible with the resources we have available to help ALL students succeed. If it is determined that a student would benefit from or is in need of services through SAP, the parent/guardian will be contacted on an individual basis.
What is it?
As part of the Ohio School Wellness Initiative, Ohio’s Model Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a school-based framework, designed to provide a variety of services that are focused on prevention of non-academic barriers to learning. This can include, but is not limited to, prevention around substance use, mental health, social-emotional & behavioral wellbeing, etc.
SAP is a comprehensive approach that allows for universal services as well as targeted services and interventions based on student need.
Ohio’s SAP model provides a continuum of care that incorporates: building awareness, prevention, early identification, evidence-based intervention, referral processes, and guided support services in order to increase students’ overall well-being and achievement.
SAP is a critical part of providing a Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) in alignment with the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) tiers of support.
Early Warning Signs
A warning sign is an action or behavior - often called a "red flag" - that suggests imminent risk for mental health or substance use concerns.
Information adapted from Davy et al., 2008; Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), 2013; Youth.gov Warning Signs
Physical Warning Signs
Frequent somatic complaints (stomach aches, headaches, etc.)
Sexually acting out
Noticeable changes in sleeping and/or eating habits
Repeated use of drugs or alcohol
Social Warning Signs
Social withdrawal
History of discipline concerns
Patterns of bullying
Recent loss of a close friendship
Academic Warning Signs
Significant decrease in quality of school performance
Poor grades despite student’s effort
Patterns of truancy
High number of office discipline referrals
Significant decrease or concerns with school attendance
Psychological Warning Signs
Sever worry or anxiety (reluctance to go to school, go to sleep, or participate in activities considered normal, for student’s age)
Difficulties paying attention and concentrating at home and school
Depression (which may be accompanied by thoughts of death, poor appetite, or troubles sleeping)
If you have questions regarding Tallmadge City School's SAP or concerns regarding your student, please reach out to Erin Pavlic, TCS's Behavioral Health and Wellness Coordinator overseeing the district's SAP