LGBTQIA+ Resources

LGBTQIA+ Mental Health

Members of the LGBTQIA+ community face higher rates of mental health challenges. Evidence states that being LGBTQIA+ in and of itself does not cause mental health challenges, but the experience of other risk factors such as rejection, bullying, discrimination, and violence puts them at higher risk for depression and anxiety, and suicidal attempts. Significant barriers to accessing mental health services impacting the LGBTQIA+ includes lack of affordable care, lack of culturally appropriate mental health professionals, challenges around receiving parental consent for treatment insurance, and cultural stigma. These barriers are rooted in systemic discrimination and have resulted in significant disparities in mental health outcomes. 

On this page you will find resources to learn more about LGBTQIA+ mental health, how to best support LGBTQIA+ mental health, and locating culturally responsive mental health care. 

Culturally Responsive Resources and Mental Health Care